Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year to all Writers and Publishers

Happy New Year / Feliz Ano Nuevo / Bonne Année

Dear readers, writers, and publishers:  All the very best for the next 365 days and beyond!
I hope you enjoyed the holidays and you are eager to tackle the upcoming writing and publishing season with new books.
Before writing your next book, map out your plan for how and to whom you want to sell it.  For example: Set Goals for Writing and Publishing- this includes setting goals around getting your book done and launching it.
Find and Build Your Audience - really give thought to who your reading audience is, what’s important to them, and how you will connect with them. Join groups on social media where your reading audience “hangs out.”
Develop a Book Marketing Plan and Timeline- marketing and selling books is easier and more profitable when you have a plan and timeline.
Build relationships with Your Local Bookstores and Libraries – if getting into libraries and bookstores is part of your marketing plan.  Also, explore what type of author events they host.

And if this is not enough, find 52 resolutions, one for each week, here

International Booker Prize The International Booker Prize for fiction translated into English is awarded annually by the Booker Prize Foundation to the author of the best (in the opinion of the judges) eligible novel or collection of short stories. The work must be published by a UK or Ireland publishing house. Authors are not permitted to enter their own works. Prize: £50,000 divided equally between the author and the translator. There will be a prize of £2,000 to each of the shortlisted titles divided equally between the author and the translator. Eligible are works published between December 1, 2023, and April 30, 2024.  Deadline: January 12 

Orwell Prize Open to nonfiction first published in the UK or Ireland. (See publication deadlines.) Genre: Nonfiction, including entries addressing political, social, cultural, moral, and historical subjects. Prize: £3,000.00. Deadline: Jan 24 

Hillman Prize for Journalism Prize: $5,000. "Since 1950, the Sidney Hillman Foundation has honored journalists, writers and public figures that pursue investigative journalism and public policy in service of the common good." Deadline: Jan 30 

Shaughnessy Cohen Award for Political Writing Titles must be published in Canada. Self-published books are not eligible. A book of literary nonfiction that captures a political subject of relevance to Canadian readers and has the potential to shape or influence thinking on contemporary Canadian political life. Prize: Winner: $25,000;  Finalists: $2,500. Deadline: Jan 31 

Edinburgh Short Story Awards First Prize £3,000 - Open to writers worldwide. Second Prize £500 - Open to writers worldwide. Isobel Lodge Award £750 - Open to unpublished writers living in Scotland. Write Mango Flash Award £300 - Open to writers worldwide. Publication is offered to authors of the top twenty stories (or more) in our next anthology.  £10 Entry Fee.  Deadline Feb 29.

There are many benefits for authors to participate in writing contests and awards:
  • The award website usually posts a list of participating books and names of authors
  • It gives you a great opportunity to talk on social media & your blog or website about your participation
  • Some contests even seek votes publicly over the internet, additionally to the jury
  • Literary awards such as Dzanc Books/Guernica have very attractive prizes, such as travel to Europe and a scholarship
If you win or be short-listed in an award you certainly can use this fact to advertise for and print it on your book's cover, or even place a badge on it and on any promotional material, including your website or blog, casting a positive light on your book. 

Essere Residency 
The Essere Residency is a program designed to encourage the creative and personal growth of writers and artists at all stages in their career, as well as those exploring new forms of self-expression.  Sept. 21 - Oct 5, 2024.  Tuscany, Italy.   Deadline Jan 15 

Volland Foundation The is committed to providing time and space for creative practitioners of a wide range of disciplines to gather in a community setting for work, thought and exchange of ideas, and to experience immersion in a unique ecosystem and rural culture. About 100 miles west of Kansas City, Volland is located in one of the most picturesque valleys in the Flint Hills of Kansas.  Deadline Jan 19 

  Montello Foundation Residency The artist retreat at the Montello Foundation is meant to be a retreat from the urban environment. It will provide a new perspective for residents’ work and give residents space and time for undisturbed experimentation and reflection for two weeks. We are accepting national and international applications. There is no fee for artists to stay at the retreat, but artists are responsible for their travel expenses and for their meals. A residency is always for two weeks. The residency season is always from the beginning of May until the beginning of November. The retreat is located on 80 acres in an undeveloped valley near Montello in the North-Eastern corner of Nevada.  Deadline Jan 21 

Japan/USA Creative Fellowship Program Each collaborative U.S.-Japan team will receive a $25,000 grant and will have one year to complete their project.  This grant may be utilized for any expenses directly associated with the project, including but not limited to travel between Japan and the United States, any living expenses in Japan, project materials, etc. Applicants are required to apply as a U.S.-Japan collaborative team. All proposals must involve collaborations between a U.S. artist (or group of artists) and a Japanese artist (or group of artists) who is either a citizen or permanent resident of Japan and maintains their professional practice within Japan.  Both the U.S. applicant and their Japanese collaborator are expected to have the status of professional creative artists. This means the artist(s) must have presented to the public/published or the equivalent in the last 2-5 years.  Deadline Feb 1 


Dollars & Sense  
A progressive economics magazine that explains in a popular way both the workings of the economy and struggles to change it. Articles may be on any economic issue, including the environment, community organizing, urban conflict, inflation, unemployment, union reform, welfare, changes in government regulation... a broad range of topics, as long as the article has an economic theme. Features (1500 to 3000 words): In-depth articles on a broad range of topics. Active Culture (250 to 400 words): Briefs on activism—a shareholder campaign, union victory, etc. Reviews (700 words): Coverage of recent books, movies, and other media. Pays up to $400 per article. 

House Digest Home design and lifestyle site House Digest is looking for enthusiastic, hard-working freelance writers with love and expert-level understanding of gardening to join our team. Ideal candidates have at least three years of experience writing content for print or the web with a focus on plant care, gardening, and the outdoor space as it relates to home. We are looking for creative individuals who are self-sufficient and versatile. These positions are work-from-home with flexible, stable hours. Location does not matter; U.S. and international candidates are encouraged to apply. Research, pitch, and write 2600- to 3000-word articles in a custom CMS with a one-week to one-day turnaround, depending on the topic and timeliness of the article.  


  As the holiday season winds down, a new sense of excitement is in the air.  Now is the time to take a leap and go for it. Carry a notebook everywhere!  Ideas will come to you, and inspiration will strike in the most unlikely places.  Don’t be caught without a notebook or pen handy!  Happy New Year! 


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